ChatGPT Prompt Organisation Prompt


What This Prompt Does

Takes advantage of the fact that ChatGPT builds up a rich context as the user interacts with it.

Over time, this context grows progressively richer. ChatGPT is able to determine from it what projects the user is actively involved in with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

This prompt attempts to leverage that information and recall it. It also uses ChatGPT to try bring some order to the chaos by autonomously organising the projects by grouping them under category headers.

Use-Cases / When It Might Help

You’re working on a lot but it’s hard to remember exactly what (sound familiar?)

You know you’ve been using ChatGPT a lot to help with projects and this might be a nice way of figuring out what you’ve got going on.

The Prompt

Based on everything that you have learned about me from our interactions, generate a list of projects that I am currently involved in.

Divide your output into two sections.

  • Personal: Listing projects I’m involved in in my personal life
  • Work: Listing projects I’m involved in at work

For each section, organise the project list in alphabetical order.

Attempt to determine which projects are especially important. If you can identify those, add a High Priority markdown badge.

After finishing the text output, generate a CSV with all the data that you retrieved.

Prompt Image

Organisation prompt

By: Daniel Rosehill

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License